Tuesday, September 16, 2008


It would be easy to assume that the firstmonth of Cameron Chase’s life followed the monotonous cycle of eat-sleep-poop familiar to any new parent. But anyone who has read his oft-updated profile on Tosspot. A site billed as Face book for children knows bnetter. Cameron, of Winter Garden, Fla., has lounged poolside in a bouncy seat with his grandparents, noted that Tropical Storm Fay passed by his hometown, and proclaimed that he finds the abstract Kandinsky print above his parents bed very stimulating” Hailing from Winipeg. Ontario, Dominic Miguel Alexander Carrasco, 7 months old, Use his Totspot page to share his obsessions, with his entourage. His fave nickname? Buddy or Big Boy. His fave book? Green Eggs and Ham’ His fave food? Unsurprisingly, “mom/s milk,” Of course, these busy social net workers doesn’t actually post journal entries or befriends playground acquaintances themselves. Their sleep-deprived parents are behing the curtain, shaping their children’s online identities even before they are diaperfreen. “it does feel a little funny to personalize it in his voice and be connection to other babies as him.” Said Kristing chase 29, Cameron’s mother, who updates his page at least every other day. But considering that relatives clamor for updates she enjoys being able to catalog 10- week old Cameron’s doings in one web accessible place. Knowing his daddy, it won’t be long before he’s blowing about himself anyway’ she said referring to her husband, Nathan, 29 He joined Odder, a site still line beta that allows dads to bog on behalf of baby as well as meet other fathers.

Call it convenient. Call it baby over share. But a host of new sites, including Tosspot, Odder, Lies’ Grams and Kid monde now offer parents a chance to forgo the e-mail blasts of say, their newborn’s first trip home and instead invite friends and family to join and contribute to a network geared to connecting them to the baby in their lives. It is an interesting model” said Amanda Len hart, a senior research specialist for the Pew internet & American Life project. “Everyone can decide how much or little they want to know about a baby, which avoids the situation of receiving a few too many e-mails about someone’s wonderful child and parents can decide how much they want to share-in minimal or maximal ways.

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