Tuesday, September 30, 2008


Once upon a time, there were no mobile phones and when there were mobile phones, they were expensive. Yet in such a short space of time (just six or seven years) they have become so mainstream that you can buy the models in supermarkets and call credit and accessories just about everywhere else. In fact, mobile phones have evolved beyond themselves ? and are now mobile multi-media centres with electronic organisers, cameras, MP3 players and media recorders.
No longer can you buy ?just a phone?. Indeed research suggests that consumers? expectations have increased to the extent where making calls is no longer enough ? we want the works - video messaging, cameras, walkmans - you name it! Video calls used to be confined to sci-fi films and cartoons, now we?re sending naughty pictures ? as if mobile networks were the most private and intimate places in the world. Even children are prepared to spend their allowances on the latest mobile phone gadgets; look at the storm of interest over ?crazy frog?. Consequently, mobile phone providers are beginning to narrow their promotional campaigns and strategy into increasingly niche markets
Dominant players in the mobile phone market, such as Sony Ericsson, http://www.sonyericsson.com, are beginning to specialise by apparently developing mobile phones into the audio and visual entertainment centres, with models featuring music players and cameras. With the recent launch of the W800i walkman phone, a new musical revolution is coming into full swing, as mobile compact disc players seem increasingly archaic.
Conversely, some mobile phone companies are targeting parents who want to keep a close eye on their children. Parental controls are now offered through a wireless service whereby parents can keep track on where their children are situated through a mobile mapping system. Some phones even allow parents to determine who the contacts their children can call and how long they spend on the phone. RuleSpace, http://www.rulespace.com is one of the many companies that offer this service. Many argue that all mobile phones should be equipped with such a device for security reasons.
The Blackberry (the latest technology to be courted by professionals) is mobile e-mail and mobile phone, http://www.blackberry.com. Discovered years ago by ?techies?, the Blackberry word-of-mouth has now reached a broader audience and has been picked up extensively in the media. Thanks to the speedy global growth of the Blackberry application, insiders say the mobile phone market is prepared for further innovation in mobile phone services.


White noise is: A sound containing a blend of all the audible frequencies distributed equally over the range of the frequency band. White noise is analogous to white light which contains all the colors of the rainbow together. The term ?white noise? as used in this article will be applied a little looser to include a host of sounds (waterfall, rain and brook as examples) used for blocking out unwanted sounds.
Because white noise contains most sound frequencies, it is commonly used to mask other sounds. If you are in a hotel and voices from the room next-door are leaking into your room, you might turn on a fan to drown out the voices. The fan produces a good approximation of white noise. How does this "white" sound work and why does it mask out other noise?
Here is one way to think about it. Let's say two people are talking at the same time. Your brain can normally pick out one of the two voices and actually listen to it and understand it. If three people are talking simultaneously, your brain can probably still pick out one voice. However, if 1,000 people are talking simultaneously, there is no way that your brain can pick out one voice. It turns out that 1,000 people talking together sounds a lot like white noise. So when you turn on a fan to create white noise, you are essentially creating a source of 1,000 voices. The voice next-door makes it 1,001 voices, and your brain can't pick it out anymore. One thing to keep in mind when using white noise is that more is not always better - it is usually best to use just enough to help mask the offending noise, not completely overwhelm it.
There are three sources of white noise that are commonly used to help mask out annoying sounds: mechanically generated, electronically generated and recordings usually on CD format.
The mechanical devices produce a sound very close to that of a fan. The Sleepmate by Marpac is this type of device and has been around for a long time. This is the most popular type of white noise machine; probably because it produces a sound that we are all familiar with and don?t find unpleasant. One drawback of the mechanical units is that they are limited in volume. Since they produce the sound mechanically, it isn?t possible to simply turn up the volume.
White noise is commonly generated with a digital or electronic sound synthesizing device. Sound designers, with some processing and filtering, can create a multitude of effects such as wind, rain, waterfall or surf. The main consideration when choosing a digital device is if the device loops a recorded clip of sound or synthesizes its own sound. By looping we refer to a few seconds of sound that is digitally recorded and played over and over. They try to match up the end with the beginning but if you listen carefully you can detect where the segment begins - this is irritating to some people. The better digital sound devices actually synthesize the sound instead of playing a recording, therefore no looping.
Compact discs are a popular and inexpensive way (not counting the cost of a stereo system) to bring white noise into your home or office. You can get almost any sound imaginable but the most commonly used are nature sounds like rain, thunder or babbling brooks and nature sounds overlaid with soft music. The advantages of CDs are a high quality sound and low cost. The disadvantage is that, if you are using the sound to help you sleep, the interruption when changing tracks or cycling will often times wake you up. Generally the best uses for CDs are for office privacy, meditation or just relaxing.


If you?re having a Halloween party you need to play some games! Whether it?s to fill the time before the food is ready or to keep the kids occupied before their parents collect them, here are some ghoulish games to play.
1) Pin the Wart on the Witch?s Nose: Draw or photocopy up a big picture of a witch; get lumps of green play-dough, blindfold each child and let them put a green wart on the witch?s face.
2) Apple bobbing is the traditional Halloween game. Float apples in a bowl of water, each player must try to get an apple with their teeth while their hands are held behind their backs. (This can get messy
3) Traditionally on Halloween night, if you peel an apple and throw the skin over your shoulder and it will form the initial of the person you are to marry. You could peel the child?s apple once bobbed and see if it resembles a letter.
4) Another variation is to hang the apples on string and the players have to eat the apple again without touching it. Problem: Unless you grow your own apples they rarely have stalks still attached. You could try this game with ring doughnuts, bagels or ring biscuits.
5) Musical Zombies: Find some suitable Halloween Music - Saint-Saens? ?Danse Macabre? goes down well with children, but if the kids are a bit young you could use ?Fossils? from his ?Carnival of the Animals? - and play this version of musical statues. Instead of dancing the kids pretend to be zombies then stand still when the music stops.
6) Wrap the Mummy: Tear up strips of an old sheet and see who can wrap up their friend the fastest.
7) Sleeping vampires: Quieten things down with this version of sleeping lions, they all have to lie silently in the crypt; the one who stays still the longest is the winner.


Billed as "Europe's Most Enjoyable Festival" the Wexford Opera Festival in Southern Ireland is a 2-week music extravaganza that takes place annually towards the end of October.
From operas to concerts, recitals and talks, the festival is a celebration of the finest composers, directors, designers and musicians in the world of music. The 'greats' are represented in all their glory as new and old combine against the backdrop of an authentic and very beautiful Irish town.
Given the dazzling array of music pieces and stunning venue, it is perhaps not surprising that the Wexford Opera Festival is growing to be recognized as one of the most important Arts festivals in the world today.
Opening Night
The Wexford Opera Festival always opens with a bang?quite literally! Fireworks are on the agenda for the first evening - to the delight of visitors and locals alike - as part of the opening ceremony. An hour later it's straight down to business with the opening night opera, which in 2005 is the tragic melodrama Maria di Rohan.As well as the glory nights of the Wexford Opera Festival, the days are pretty full too. Performances and activities begin as early as eleven in the morning, the pace sustained right through until the evening. For music buffs, the Wexford Opera Festival truly is manna from heaven!Getting to Wexford, IrelandThe town of Wexford is situated on the south-east tip of Southern Ireland. International travelers should aim to fly into Dublin International Airport or Cork International Airport. Both airports are approximately a 90-minute drive away from Wexford.


For most of us, making any major purchase, such as a new refrigerator, or a new car, is a cacophony of options and confusion; do we want the silver one or the black one? How much can we afford to spend? Will it last over time? If nothing else, we at least know what we need these appliances to do: the microwave needs to make the food hot quickly, the car needs to get us from one place to the other without breaking down. When confronted with the purchase of a new guitar, even experienced guitarists can have trouble deciding what exactly they want and need. However, if you follow a few simple suggestions, you can make your guitar-buying experience a whole lot easier.
1. Determine your price range: you can spend anywhere from $99 to $20,000+ on a guitar, so make sure to work out your budget before you go into the store or start shopping online. Quality guitars are available at all different price ranges, so don?t feel that you have to break the bank to get what you need.
2. Know what sound you want. This is probably the most important aspect of learning how to buy an electric guitar. Certain guitars are more well-rounded, able to go from blues, to jazz, to rock without skipping a beat. Others are more one-sided, specifically designed for a certain type of music. Listen to some of your favorite guitar sounds on CD or on the radio, then ask a music professional what type of guitar was used on the recording. Chances are that they?ll be able to point you toward a guitar that will get you close to the sound you?re hearing in your head. Also, if you know what style of music you?ll primarily be playing, this can also make your selection process easier.
3. Get something that excites you. Bottom line, if the guitar doesn?t light up in your hands, if it just doesn?t feel ?right? even if it?s supposed to be the perfect guitar, then it?s not the right one for you. Shop around, both in stores and online, until you find the one that?s screaming ?pick me, pick me!?

Tuesday, September 16, 2008


It would be easy to assume that the firstmonth of Cameron Chase’s life followed the monotonous cycle of eat-sleep-poop familiar to any new parent. But anyone who has read his oft-updated profile on Tosspot. A site billed as Face book for children knows bnetter. Cameron, of Winter Garden, Fla., has lounged poolside in a bouncy seat with his grandparents, noted that Tropical Storm Fay passed by his hometown, and proclaimed that he finds the abstract Kandinsky print above his parents bed very stimulating” Hailing from Winipeg. Ontario, Dominic Miguel Alexander Carrasco, 7 months old, Use his Totspot page to share his obsessions, with his entourage. His fave nickname? Buddy or Big Boy. His fave book? Green Eggs and Ham’ His fave food? Unsurprisingly, “mom/s milk,” Of course, these busy social net workers doesn’t actually post journal entries or befriends playground acquaintances themselves. Their sleep-deprived parents are behing the curtain, shaping their children’s online identities even before they are diaperfreen. “it does feel a little funny to personalize it in his voice and be connection to other babies as him.” Said Kristing chase 29, Cameron’s mother, who updates his page at least every other day. But considering that relatives clamor for updates she enjoys being able to catalog 10- week old Cameron’s doings in one web accessible place. Knowing his daddy, it won’t be long before he’s blowing about himself anyway’ she said referring to her husband, Nathan, 29 He joined Odder, a site still line beta that allows dads to bog on behalf of baby as well as meet other fathers.

Call it convenient. Call it baby over share. But a host of new sites, including Tosspot, Odder, Lies’ Grams and Kid monde now offer parents a chance to forgo the e-mail blasts of say, their newborn’s first trip home and instead invite friends and family to join and contribute to a network geared to connecting them to the baby in their lives. It is an interesting model” said Amanda Len hart, a senior research specialist for the Pew internet & American Life project. “Everyone can decide how much or little they want to know about a baby, which avoids the situation of receiving a few too many e-mails about someone’s wonderful child and parents can decide how much they want to share-in minimal or maximal ways.

Monday, September 8, 2008


Get your hands on Logitech Harmony One advanc universal remote. As home entertainment systems become more sophisticated and complex, People are frustratd by the need to have multiple devices. With this remote, one touch access to favourite activities such as TV, playing a video game or listening to music could be done with a single remote.



There is some good for fans of Jonty Rhodes, Who changed the way cricket was perceived, played a big role in marking the game livelier and more interesting. The cricketer is in town for two days to promote South Africa Tourism. After retiring from international cricket, this is Jonty’s first visit to India.

Jonty feels this time around too he has come with a similar mission, thought’s off the field. “When I played cricket, I was representing my country and as brand ambassador of South African tourism I am doing the same, Says Jonty.

“Sports gave me an opportunity to mix with people of different race, creed and cultural backgrounds and sports tourism will further broaden the scope for people off different countries to know what south Africa has to offer. Apart from making use of the sporting facilities this would give people an opportunity to know about the culture, food and beautiful locales of our country,” he does.

Jonty is all praises for the T-20 format and reveals that he will be a part of IPL in the coming years. “ The format has made cricket more exciting and is not detrimental as some purists feel. It has brought ladies and families to the cricket ground. This being of short duration manages to sustain people’s interest, who finds a 50 over match boring. There is an untapped market for this kind of cricket,” he avers.

Thursday, September 4, 2008


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